Kuki Taisho Dojo is one of a total of 15 Bujinkan Dojos (clubs) in Denmark, that train Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, also known as Ninjutsu.

We have around 40 adult members, as well as many wonderful children and young people who train in our “Rollinger”, “Kids”, “Warriors” and “Shinobi” classes. Our 9 instructors and 4 assistant instructors are responsible for the daily training. In addition, we hold several seminars each year, where master instructors from both Denmark and abroad come and teach our students.

classes for adults, youth and children





18-19.30 BASIC
Michael S.

19.30–21 WEAPONS
Michael S.


17–18 THEME
(on even numbered weeks)




18–19.30 BASIC
Michael K.

19.30–21 BASIC
Lars / Brian


15.15–16.30 THEME
Michael S.



10-12 BASIC
Michael K.


Erlend / Robert

Erlend / Robert

adult classes

Adults can train in the Basic, Weapon (Buki) and Theme classes. All classes can include both close combat training and weapon techniques, with varying levels of complexity and focus on each subject. In addition, each of our instructors has their particular way of teaching, so it is a good idea to participate in different classes.

  • We train basic techniques for falls, jumps, and evasions, as well as two sets of basic combat techniques, including fighting stances, striking and kicking techniques, joint locks, and throws. Through basic training, students begin to understand how to position themselves and control distance. Bujinkan basic techniques provide a foundation, whether you are a beginner or have trained for many years. In Basic, you will also be introduced to the history and traditions of Bujinkan. It contains everything you need to know, to one day achieve the 1st dan black belt.

    We train:

    • Basic techniques, rolling falls, evasions, strikes, kicks, throws, joint locks and strangulations
      Kihon Happo, Soshin Go Kei Gogyo no Kata & Ukemi

    • Self-defence and principles for real fighting
      Bujinkan Shiken Gata

    • Motor skills and flexibility
      Junan Taiso & Ryu Tai Undo

    • Methods for protecting and healing the body, mind and spirit
      Hichi Buku Goshin Jutsu Amatsu Tatara

    • Basic breathing techniques
      Shin Kokyo Sanden

    • Principles of silent movement
      Shinobi Iri

  • Here we train a wide range of techniques with many different weapons, such as swords, staffs, knives, spears, and throwing weapons. We use safe training weapons during the training. The main focus for the weapon techniques changes according to the theme of the year.

    We train with:

    • Swords
      Ken, Tachi, Katana & Ninja-To, Naginata, Nagamaki

    • Staffs
      Rokushaku Bo, Hanbo & Jo

    • Knives and daggers

    • Spears

    • Throwing weapons

    • Chain weapons and robes
      Kyoketsu Shoge, Kusari Fundo & Kusari Gama & Geb

    • Mischelangelous special weapons
      Kunai & Jutte

  • The theme training is based on techniques that fall within the given theme of the year. The training theme of the year is determined annually by Michael Schjerling. It could be one of our combat traditions, a special weapon, or a principle that we delve into throughout the year.

    We train:

    • Advanced techniques
      with the year's theme as a starting point

Children and youth classes

We offer both children’s classes, Ninja Rollinger (4-6 years) & Ninja Kids (7-10 years), and youth classes Ninja Warriors (11-15 years) & Young Shinobi (15-19 years).

In the Rollinger and Kids classes, children learn real ninja techniques as well as techniques from traditional Japanese martial arts in a fun, safe, and child-friendly way.

The youth classes are designed to provide pre-teens, teenagers and young adults with unique life skills and values, good physical fitness, and genuine martial arts skills through traditional and safe methods.


Erlend is a father of three children. He works at a school for children with special needs.

Robert began his training in 2019. In his daily life, he works as a pest controller and has two children.

Bastian is one of our younger members, and he trains both our Ninja Kids and Ninja Warriors classes. Additionally, he has practised gymnastics for nine years and has been a gymnastics coach for five years.

  • In Ninja Rollinger your child learns:

    • Ninja agility training: Jumps, falling techniques and body rolls
      Ninja walking and running techniques
      Ninja climbing- and crawling techniques
      Ninja awareness exercises
      Ninja games and stories
      Ninjutsu philosophy
      Japanese language

    • Body
      Your child learns a lot of cool ninja tricks like dodging throwing stars, jumping, rolling over and under things and overcoming obstacles.
      Your child becomes stronger, more agile and gains better motor skills and control over their body.

    • Mind
      Your child will gain more self-confidence and higher self-esteem. Your child's abilities to focus and concentrate will improve.

    • Social
      Your child will learn appreciation and helpfullness towards others and form new friendships.

  • In Ninja Kids your child learns:

    Ninja methods to become flexible, strong, resilient and agile
    Ninja agility training: Jumping, falling techniques and body rolls
    Ninjutsu self-defence techniques
    Ninja walk and running techniques
    Ninja climbing and crawling techniques
    Ninja awareness exercises
    Ninja games and stories
    Ninjutsu philosophy
    Japanese language.

    • Body

      Your child's motor skills and body control improves
      Your child becomes stronger, more mobile, agile and flexible
      Your child becomes better at avoiding injuries and accidents

    • Mind
      Your child gets better self-control.
      Your child becomes better at making quick decisions.
      Your child gains more confidence and higher self-esteem.
      Your child trains their focus and concentration.

    • Social
      Your child forms new friendships.
      Your child's ability to cooperate with others improves.
      Your child gets training in generosity and helpfulness towards others.

  • We teach:
    Ninja-agility training: Jumping, falling techniques, and rolling.
    Ninja walking and running techniques.
    Ninja awareness exercises.
    Ninjutsu philosophy.
    Japanese language.

    • Basic close combat and weapon training:
      You will gain experience with basic techniques (Kihon Happo) and with some of the traditional Japanese weapons in preparation for the adult classes.

    • Body
      Become stronger, more mobile, flexible, and agile.
      Learn effective response mechanisms for strikes, kicks, throws and locks
      Learn to use distance and movement as part of your combat technique
      Gain better motor skills and control over your body

    • Mind
      Gain more confidence and higher self-esteem
      Improve your ability to focus and concentrate
      Gain better self-control
      Become better at making quick decisions
      Become happier and calmer

    • Social
      Make new good friends.
      Improve your ability to collaborate with others
      Become more generous and helpful towards others
      Become better at avoiding conflicts and uncomfortable situations.

  • The class contains all aspects of Bujinkan training at a level adapted for young students in preparation for adult classes. The traditional techniques and principles are put into a modern context, making the ancient traditions relatable. Students will learn to master movement patterns, attention, distance and timing, in order to preserve control in any situation. Hand-to-hand combat is trained together with basic weapon techniques using staffs, swords, ropes, and throwing weapons. The class also teaches mental training aspects of Bujinkan, which refers to holding the necessary technique, physicality, and mentality to defend oneself effectively. The best self-defence is to completely avoid combat in the first place, which is why, in Bujinkan, patience, generosity, and ethics are just as essential skills as strikes and kicks.

    • Bujinkan methods to train flexibility, strength and resilience
      Junan Taiso

    • Ninja agility training: Jumping, falling techniques, rolling and tumbling

    • Effective basic postures used in self-defence and close combat

    • The 5 basic movement patterns: Hand and arm techniques, body movements & Footwork.
      Sanshin no kata: Te sabaki, Tai sabaki & Ashi sabaki

    • The 8 basic techniques including strikes, kicks, throws, and joint locks.
      Kihon Happo no Kata

    • Basic staff techniques
      Hanbo jutsu no Kihon

    • Basic sword techniques
      Ken jutsu no Kihon

    • Strikes and kicks
      Daken Taijutsu

    • Climbing and crawling techniques

    • Awareness exercises

    • Ninjutsu philosophy

    • Body
      Become stronger, more mobile, flexible and agile
      Learn effective response mechanisms for punches, kicks and throws
      Learn to use distance and movement as part of your fighting technique
      Improve your motor skills and control over your body

    • Mind
      Improve your self-control
      Gain more self-confidence and higher self-esteem
      Improve your ability to focus and concentrate
      Become better at making quick decisions
      Become happier and more relaxed

    • Social
      Become better at avoiding conflicts and uncomfortable situations
      Develop natural leadership skills
      Improve your ability to collaborate with others
      Train your generosity and helpfulness towards others
      Make new good friends

Ninja rollinger

In the class, children learn many cool Bujinkan ninja tricks, such as dodging throwing stars, jumping, overcoming obstacles, and performing body rolls over and under obstacles. The aim of the class is to develop children's motor skills and agility, as well as provide them with good physical fitness and increase their mobility and flexibility. All of this is done in a safe, fun, and child-friendly way using traditional Japanese methods combining health with playfulness.

Ninja Rollinger on Facebook

Ninja kids

In this class, your child will learn real ninja techniques such as jumping over and under obstacles, disappearing in rolls, and dodging throwing stars. The training gives children lasting life skills and values, a good physique, and unique martial arts skills. All in a safe, fun and child-friendly way using traditional Japanese methods combining health with playfulness.

Ninja Kids on Facebook

Ninja Warriors

The class for young tweens and teenagers includes several challenging and stimulating aspects of ninja training. The students learn a comprehensive amount of authentic ninja methods and techniques to move and defend themselves effectively. The training emphasises the mental aspect of self-defence, including that the best self-defence is to avoid combat in the first place or to escape as quickly as possible. Should they face a fight regardless, students are trained in a range of basic combat techniques that form the foundation of the training continued on at adult classes, including basic weapon training with the practice of swords, knives, and throwing weapons.

Ninja Warriors on Facebook


  • Dai-shihan Michael Kofoed

    15. dan (Ju Dan Ku) Dojo-cho

  • Dai-shihan Michael Schjerling

    15. dan (Ju Dan Ku) Dojo-cho

  • Dai-shihan Philipp Pihl

    15. dan (Ju Dan Ku)


    15. dan (JU DAN KU)

  • Shihan Stefano Caruso

    13. dan (Ju Dan KA)

  • SHIHAN Brian Lassen

    12. dan (JU DAN SUI)

  • SHIHAN Torben Haagen Kikkert

    11. dan (JU DAN CHI)

  • SHIHAN Joakim Kromann Rasmussen

    10. dan (JU DAN)

  • SHIHAN Anders Hedelin

    10. dan (JU DAN)

  • Casper Nielsen

    8. dan

  • Mikkel Blomsterberg

    9. dan

  • Erlend S. Rødland

    5. dan

  • Steven Alexander Borgwardt

    2. dan

  • Robert Kofod

    3. kyu

  • Bastian Jull Sørensen

    3. kyu

TRain with us

Start Bujinkan training with a trial class or basic course.