BUJINKAN’S guidelines

Bujinkan is only open to those who agree with and adhere to Bujinkan’s guidelines. Those, who do not do so, cannot participate in Bujinkan. Specifically, only those who have read and agree with these guidelines should be allowed to participate.

Bujinkan is only open to those who consent to and uphold the guidelines of Bujinkan. Those who do not do so cannot participate in Bujinkan. Specifically, only those who have read and agree with these guidelines are allowed to participate.

  1. Individuals with a criminal record should be rejected. Troublemakers, criminals, and those who violate Japanese laws while living in Japan should also be rejected.

  2. Those who do not uphold Bujinkan’s guidelines, whether as members of Bujinkan or the wider community, through illegal or reprehensible actions, should be expelled. Until now, Bujinkan has been open to a large number of people who have come to Japan. Unfortunately, among these individuals, there have been some who have acted violently while intoxicated, mentally ill persons, and troublemakers who have only thought of themselves, thereby failing to recognize how their actions have had an unfortunate impact on others. Through their actions, these individuals have rejected the traditional sincere heart of Bujinkan. From today, all such individuals shall be excluded from Bujinkan.

  3. Regarding accidents and injuries during training (both inside and outside the dojo), one should not create problems for Bujinkan. This is a VERY important point. Persons who are not willing to take personal responsibility for injuries and accidents related to Bujinkan training cannot become members and train in the dojo. To avoid misunderstandings: Bujinkan should not be held responsible for any damage or accidents that occur during training, regardless of the location of the incident.

  4. Everyone who practices in Bujinkan must have an annual membership card. This card not only preserves the honour of Bujinkan members but also indicates that you are part of a larger whole – where members meet with warrior’s hearts to improve themselves through training and friendship. It highlights the honour of warrior business and contains both loyalty and compassion.

  5. The Bujinkan tradition acknowledges the nature and universality of all human life and is aware of what flows naturally between the two parts:
    1) “The secret principle of Taijutsu is to know the foundation of peace.
    2) Studying is the way to the unshakable heart (fudoshin).”

  6. Recently, Bujinkan has truly become international. Just as there are different time zones, there are also various taboos among the world’s people and nations. We must respect each other and diligently try to avoid such taboos. Above all, we must keep the warrior’s heart in mind and work together to improve ourselves and Bujinkan.Those who do not uphold the above guidelines shall be expelled from Bujinkan.

 – Soke Masaaki Hatsumi 

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